Eclectic English Home Page The Verb To Be
  "To be or not to be" - Upper Intermediate

Created by Nikita Kovalyov
Updated: April 2004

Short Answers - English grammar Expressions With The Verb To Be - Upper Intermediate

Complete the sentences with the adverbs or prepositions from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible and you can use each preposition or adverb more than once.

Tip! If you cannot come up with the correct preposition or adverb, try them all one by one! After a while you should know what the answers are.

outforout ofoffon
throughover tointoupdown
againstoverunderaroundup to

The game is .

  1. Unfortunately, your secret is now. Everyone knows it.

  2. What's with you guys? You're never going to win playing like that, take it from me!

  3. I have been really my project recently. I've been working on it too much.

  4. Not that capitalism is bad, mind you. I'm all our economic system.

  5. Then it is you as to how far you want to go. But I wouldn't do it if I were you.

  6. The attic was completely bounds to children when I used to live there.

  7. A wiggly black bug was lying in the middle of my napkin. It was my nose!

  8. Recent statistics indicate that Internet gambling is by over one-third as a result of the refusal of a few credit card banks to process illegal gambling transactions.

  9. There wasn't anyone when I got there that I could see.

  10. I'm afraid that since she's been her insulin, she seems to be getting pudgy again.

  11. The milk is a few days old. It's probably by now.

  12. Well I just thought I would let everyone know what I have been lately.

  13. My teenager just got a driver's license and the insurance rates are the roof.

  14. It's starting to feel like the season is already.

  15. I was the feeling that I had already been there before.

  16. Henry has always been all forms of violence and discrimination.

 bad  good   
  1  2  3  4  5   


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  • Present Perfect Tense - when to use; how to form; how to use yet already, for and since; the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple tenses

  • new  Have to do
    Don't have to do

    - when to use; how to use. Grammar reference and interactive practice exercises

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